• Category: FICTION


Excerpt from Chapter 1:

“If you’re lonely and you need a friend...” The Visio-Range blasts to life and covers all the walls of her apartment with their hourly jingle. “Just go out more and make some…” Its voice rings like a thousand bells and bounces off the walls. It is another reminder that Lucc.ee had not checked her MATE.RATES database to see how many friends she made and logged that week.

The good folks at Friend.lee Face.s are likely monitoring her activity, or lack thereof, most likely because she hasn’t made any new friends that week, or even in the last month. In fact, Lucc.ee has always struggled with the concept of ACCUM.U.LATES. Mostly, like the jingle says, because she had not left the house since the last time her brother Trever.s invited her out. There was also the difficulty she already had with RE.10.T10N, which is the act of maintaining the list of friends she already had. A list that is swiftly dwindling.